Loading... # Mysql allow client to connect ## Chage my.conf ```bash shell > find / -name my.conf shell > vi {{PATH_TO_my.conf}} # comment it # bind-address = shell > mysql -uroot -p mysql cli > use mysql; mysql cli > select user,host from user; mysql cli > update user set host='%' where user='root'; mysql cli > select user,host from user; mysql cli > flush privileges; ``` ## Create New User ```bash # create beauty user mysql > CREATE USER 'beauty'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '111111' # allow all ip can connect mysql > GRANT ALL ON beauty.* TO 'beauty'@'%'; # let cofig load mysql > flush privileges; ``` © Allow specification reprint Support Appreciate the author AliPayWeChat Like If you think my article is useful to you, please feel free to appreciate