Loading... # Linux CMD lftp ## Usage ```bash bash > lftp user@site:port bash > lftp> get -c ls-lR.txt bash > lftp> mget *.txt bash > lftp> pget -n 4 ls-lR.txt ## internal mode > ls > cd > get # get file > mget # get files > pget # get files use multiple processes > mirror # sync files > put # upload file > mput # upload files > mv # mv file > rm # rm file > mrm # rm files > mkdir # create dir > rmdir # rm dir > pwd # remote location > du # calc > set net:limit-rate 10000,10000 > set ftp:charset gbk # set the charset > lcd # change the local dir > lpwd # local location > alias > bookmark exit ``` ## Resolve GBK Isssue ``` bash > vi ~/.lftprc ################################# debug 3 set ftp:charset GBK set file:charset UTF-8 #set ftp:passtive-mode no #alias utf8 " set ftp:charset UTF-8" #alias gbk " set ftp:charset GBK" ################################# ``` © Reprint prohibited Support Appreciate the author AliPayWeChat Like If you think my article is useful to you, please feel free to appreciate